
Sunday 23 December 2018


Well hello there!
For one of the last posts of Blogmas, which I can't believe we are just 2 days away from Christmas Day it's gone so quick. I wanted to do an 2018 goals reflection and want to talk about my New Year's resolutions and goals for 2019.

Lets go over my 2018 Goals which I wrote a post on earlier this year:

1) Join the gym - I knew this wasn't going to happen so no I did not start the gym this year. I'm too shy to go into an environment like that, instead I have bought the Charlotte Crosby fitness DVD so I can exercise at home.

2) Drink 2 litres of water a day - this is something that is very hit and miss, some days I will drink that amount and other days I will only drink 1 litre. It depends how I'm feeling on the day because believe it or not it takes me motivation to stick to this and some days I'm just not feeling it or I'm too busy at work.

3) Maintain a healthy diet - not sure if you're aware as I don't really talk about  it on my blog, but I was told I have IBS this year so this was a big goal of mine. When I got back from holiday in June I did start to have a healthy diet and I noticed big changes in myself and my skin. Again this depends on how I'm feeling day to day but I like to be as healthy as I can.

Reach 30,000 blog views by my blog anniversary (6th November) - for some reason my blog views have not been so great lately so unfortunately I didn't reach this goal. However, I have just over 28,000 at the moment so I am nearly there!

5) Have 100 subscribers by the end of the year - I absolutely smashed this goal because I have just over 500 at the moment and I am so proud of myself. I am also very glad I started YouTube because it has given me that extra confidence I needed.

6) Reach 1,000 followers on my blog Instagram page - I also reached this goal as well as I have just over 1000 now, very happy I achieved this.

My goals for 2019 (mainly self-care):

1) Take my water intake more seriously - as I have IBS, drinking a lot of water is essential to stay as hydrated as possible. 

2) Exercise - this is an absolute must for my body confidence and it makes you feel a lot better with yourself.

3) Go through my wardrobe - I need to get rid of any clothes I don't feel good in. I have so many and it's because I am a hoarder and find it so difficult to get rid of things but I need to start being more strict with myself.

4) Reach 2000 on my blog Instagram - I got to 1000 in 10 months so I'm hoping I can get another 1000 by this time next year.

5) Reach 1000 subscribers on YouTube - not sure if this will happen but I would really like to hit 1000 subscribers, as that's when you can start getting monetized if you also hit 4000 hours watch time.

6) Focus more on my YouTube content - I want to make a real effort with my YouTube content next year, which means I might only post on my blog a couple of times a month instead of 4. I will see about this, depends how much spare time I have.

So those were my 2018 goal reflections and my 2019 goals, what are your goals for next year?
Thank you so much for reading,

Want to see more from me?
Twitter: alixholdenx
Instagram: alixkateblog
Bloglovin': alixkate
YouTube: makeupwithalixkate
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